How to Network as a PT Student

Illustration of dots on a globe connected by thin black lines behind a banner that says "How to network as a PT student." Next to the illustration and banner, a smiling man shakes someone's hand.

Networking is key to a fruitful and far-reaching career.  If you’ve spent any amount of time looking up professional development advice or job-hunting tips, you’ve probably encountered some iteration of that advice. It lives on countless webpages and is passed around more freely than a bucket of popcorn at a movie theater. But unlike digging…

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Culturally Competent Care is Key: Meet Rizing Tide Scholar Elisha Li

Webcam image of Elisha Li

This is the third installment of Rizing Tide’s Lighthouse Series which spotlights our exceptional scholars. Stay tuned for our fourth installment! Washington University Physical Therapy student, Elisha Li, always dreamed of having a career in healthcare, but never knew what field to pursue. It wasn’t until she reflected on her interests, her family’s experiences, and…

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