The Struggle is Real: Managing Your Mental Health as a DPT Student

An illustrated woman with glasses and brown hair sits with her legs crossed and her eyes closed, meditating in front of a window

Current-day DPT students are staring down a tsunami of stressful situations. Not only are you facing significant societal and professional challenges (e.g., DPT debt, social polarization, understaffed clinics, declining Medicare payments), you’re also navigating the process of becoming a licensed medical professional. The struggle is definitely real—and if you feel like you’re buckling under the…

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How to Build a Desire for Diversity in Your PT Clinic

Six hand-drawn people of different races and ethnicities stand in front of an abstract orange and blue background

Broken routines stink. There’s a special kind of frustration that accompanies an interrupted schedule—whether it’s because you unexpectedly had to pick up your kids from school, or you had to fit another patient into your schedule at the last minute. It can be really difficult to adjust and adapt to change. I know—that’s not exactly…

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