Putting Orthopedics on the Map: Meet Rizing Tide Scholar Devon Morris

Devon Morris smiling while on a virtual phone call. Next to her, green text reads "Rizing Tide, Devon Morris, 2022 Surge Scholar."

This is the eleventh installment of the 2022 Rizing Tide Lighthouse Series: a series of blogs and video interviews that spotlight our exceptional scholars. Stay tuned for the next installment! Devon Morris’s love for sports and her unwavering commitment to improving the lives of athletes defined her occupational journey. Her academic path was rigorous—after completing…

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Finding Her PT Zen: Meet Rizing Tide Scholar Erika Gonzalez

Erika Gonzalez smiling while on a virtual phone call. Next to her, green text reads "Rizing Tide, Erika Gonzalez, 2022 Crest Scholar."

This is the ninth installment of the 2022 Rizing Tide Lighthouse Series: a series of blogs and video interviews that spotlight our exceptional scholars. Stay tuned for the next installment! When asked why she chose to attend Texas State University’s physical therapy program, Erika Gonzalez—a 2022 Crest scholar—says that it all came down to some…

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Breaking Down Barriers: Meet Rizing Tide Scholar Said Mendez

Said Mendez smiling while on a virtual phone call. Next to him, green text reads "Rizing Tide, Said Mendez, 2022 Crest Scholar."

This is the eighth installment of the 2022 Rizing Tide Lighthouse Series: a series of blogs and video interviews that spotlight our exceptional scholars. Stay tuned for the next installment! Said Mendez is a barrier-breaker—or at least, he hopes to be. As a current student at Duke University, Said is pursuing a degree in physical…

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