A Future Traveling PT: Meet Rizing Tide Scholar Maya Jones

Maya Jones smiling while on a virtual phone call. Next to her, green text reads "Rizing Tide, Maya Jones, 2022 Crest Scholar."

This is the sixth installment of the 2022 Rizing Tide Lighthouse Series: a series of blogs and video interviews that spotlight our exceptional scholars. Stay tuned for the next installment! Maya Jones—a DPT student attending the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)—was initially drawn to physical therapy due to its many specialization opportunities. “So once…

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A Heart for the Hardworking: Meet Rizing Tide Scholar Oliver Artiga

Oliver Artiga smiling while on a virtual phone call. Next to him, green text reads "Rizing Tide, Oliver Artiga, 2022 Crest Scholar"

This is the third installment of the 2022 Rizing Tide Lighthouse Series: a series of blogs and video interviews that spotlight our exceptional scholars. Stay tuned for the next installment! After watching his parents work hard and endure major physical toil in their blue-collar careers, Oliver Artiga began to research the injury risks associated with…

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Achieving PT Dreams: Meet Rizing Tide Scholar Fiorella Barreda

Video call still of Fiorella Barreda as she smiles next to text reading "Rizing Tide Fiorella Barreda 2022 Crest Scholar""

This is the first installment of the 2022 Rizing Tide Lighthouse Series: a series of blogs and video interviews that spotlight our exceptional scholars. Stay tuned for the next installment! Growing up, sports-enamored Fiorella Fernandez Barreda dreamed of becoming a doctor. But it wasn’t until years later, when she stumbled upon the physical therapy field,…

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Assisting the Global Geriatric Population: Meet Rizing Tide Scholar Nanami Mano

Video call still of Nanami Mano as she smiles with text reading "Rizing Tide 2021 Surge Recipient Nanami Mano, DPT"

This is the seventh installment of Rizing Tide’s Lighthouse Series which spotlights our exceptional scholars. Stay tuned for the next installment! Physical therapy’s movement-focused approach to medicine and patient care acts like a magnet for some aspiring healthcare workers—and Nanami Mano, DPT, was no different. She first encountered the field in high school when she…

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A Journey into Neurological PT: Meet Rizing Tide Scholar Uzair Hammad

This is the sixth installment of Rizing Tide’s Lighthouse Series which spotlights our exceptional scholars. Stay tuned for the next installment! Dr. Uzair Hammad didn’t always know which PT specialty he wanted to pursue—but today, he’s completing his neurological physical therapy residency with the University of Central Florida and the Orlando Health Regional Medical Center.…

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